المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : معادله الحياه ,,,مترجم بالانجلينزيه

عــ الهوى ــز
07-06-2006, 11:48 PM
ان من دون الحزن .. ما بتحس بالسعادة

بدون الفراق .. ما بتحس بطعم الحب

بدون العقل .. ما بتعرف معنى الينون والخبال والوناسة

بدون الرزانة .. ما بتعرف تستهبل تمثل باستهبال

بدون الهواش و الزعل .. ما تحس بفرحة التسامح

اذا ما كان في شيء اسمه دمعة حزن .. ما بتنوجد دمعة فرح

To day I sat down & I started thinking about life

By enclousures of life

The obstacles & help

With all the anxieties in life & what's in life

the good luck

The happiness

The misery

The insanity

The crazy time

The relaxation

The dancing & parties

The entertainment

The problems

Death & consolation

The fight

The separation

The rest : clear mind

Imagine that life is full by happiness, party & dancing

We will be bored of it

Imagine that the whole time you are in relaxation program relaxed mood

I think you will hate it after a long time

A Question ??

Don’t you feel sometimes that you want to be gloomy & sad ???

You feel your self that you need a little of sadness ??

We sit down & we hear sad songs

We open our wounds by reviving our memories …


A strange thing !!

We bring sadness to our selves

Do you know why ?????

Cause have a deficincy

We apply the equation of life

So that

Grief = happiness

So that we can taste both of them


imagine that every day some one you know dies !

its will be norml by the time

not something that would drive you to cry


imagine that every day you have a final exam

so we will never call it final & we wil never worry

or imagine that every day there is a party or wedding or that every day you will graduate !!

its will be a routine , not a special jubilant .

some times its different

all the problems , hurtful feelings , separation , hard work , sadness , come at once its will be a really hard time ..

so you will search 4 happiness

you will hangout with ur friends

you will party

trying to forget your problems & ur misery

so u can enjoy your time ….

I hope that you will receive the idea im trying to send ..

The idea im sending to you is this :

Without sadness in life .. you will never feel happy

Without separation .. you will never taste love

With out the brain .. you will never act insane & have crazy time

Without fight .. you will never feel the joy of forgiveness & indulgence


If there weren’t tears of sadness .. there will not any tears of jubilant .

So I love to tell you

Enjoy every moment in ur life

Because for each thing a special taste

Thanx reading

دمعة وداع
08-06-2006, 03:12 AM
your subject is great

12-06-2006, 12:01 AM
مشكور اخوي عز

12-06-2006, 12:07 AM

عــ الهوى ــز
14-06-2006, 12:11 AM
منورة دمعه


تحياتى لك

14-06-2006, 11:10 AM
So I love to tell you

Enjoy every moment in ur life

Because for each thing a special taste

thanks alot for these thing of life

03-07-2006, 03:43 PM
Grief = happiness

i liked this subject very much

yes we need both .. Grief & happiness... in ..life

عــــ الهوى ــــــز

thanx ...

03-07-2006, 03:53 PM
مشكوور اخوي عز الهوى

والله يعطيك العافيه

23-07-2006, 07:08 AM
يسلمو عزوووو عالمجهود الرائع

29-01-2007, 07:49 AM
Thank yoooou

31-01-2007, 04:05 AM
Thank yoooou

03-02-2007, 07:38 AM
عز الهووى
يعطيك ألف عافيه
مشكوور و..
دمت بوود

إمرأه من السماء
15-02-2007, 09:36 AM
يعطيك كل العافيه يالغالي

دمت بخير

With wishes you continued success

24-02-2007, 05:12 AM
يسلموووو عزوو
تحياتي لك